Motion Tracking in iOS Applications Using Augmented Reality

Tharun Sure
11 min readNov 14, 2023



Augmented Reality (AR) is a revolutionary technology that has transformed the way we interact with digital content. By superimposing digital information onto the physical world, AR creates immersive and interactive experiences that were previously unimaginable. The technology has been around for a while now, but it is only in recent years that it has reached a level of sophistication that has made it truly mainstream. One of the most critical components of AR is accurate motion tracking, as it enables virtual objects to respond realistically to user movements. Without this capability, the AR experience would not be nearly as engaging or immersive. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of motion-tracking techniques used in AR on iOS devices. We will explore sensor-based approaches that utilize the device’s camera, accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer. The camera is one of the most critical sensors used in AR, as it provides the visual input necessary to track the user’s movements in real time. The accelerometer and gyroscope, on the other hand, provide information about the device’s orientation and movement, respectively. Finally, the magnetometer is used to detect magnetic fields and provide information about the device’s orientation relative to the Earth’s magnetic field. In addition to the sensors built into iOS devices, there are also dedicated AR platforms, such as ARKit, that perform sensor fusion to achieve more robust tracking. Sensor fusion involves combining data from multiple sensors to obtain a more accurate and reliable estimate of the user’s position and orientation. Another technique used in AR is Visual Inertial Odometry (VIO), which combines camera and motion data to achieve precise positional tracking. This technique is particularly useful in areas with limited features, where traditional feature detection methods may not be effective. Computer vision methods, such as feature detection, are also used to enhance tracking in challenging conditions, such as rapid motion. Feature detection involves identifying distinctive features in the environment, such as corners and edges, and using them to track the user’s movements. Hybrid approaches, which fuse data from multiple sensors, are also used to overcome the limitations of any single method, enabling precise and low latency tracking crucial for immersive AR apps. Ongoing research aims to improve stability and accuracy, especially in areas with minimal features. The future of AR holds many possibilities, including more intelligent algorithms, mapping techniques, and on-device learning, which will further enhance the AR experience. AR is undoubtedly a technology with immense potential for the future, and we can expect to see many exciting developments in the coming years.

Keywords: Augmented Reality (AR), Motion Tracking, iOS, iPhone, iPad, ARKit, VIO


Augmented reality (AR) is a rapidly advancing technology that is transforming various fields, such as education, entertainment, and advertising. AR overlays digital objects in the real world, creating interactive experiences that can enhance learning, improve brand recognition, and provide immersive entertainment experiences. The technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the world around us, creating endless possibilities for users [1]. AR is now widely available through mobile devices, making it accessible to millions of people around the world. It is used in various industries, such as entertainment, education, navigation, and medicine [2]. For example, in the entertainment industry, AR is used to create immersive experiences in theme parks, museums, and movie theaters. In education, AR is used to bring learning to life by overlaying digital objects on real-world objects to create interactive learning experiences. In medicine, AR is used to aid doctors in surgeries and medical procedures by overlaying digital images on the patient’s body. One of the most critical functions of AR technology is accurate motion tracking, which allows for the precise detection of the user’s device position and orientation while interacting and moving around. This functionality enables virtual objects to remain anchored in place, resulting in a more realistic response to environmental changes and user input [3]. Accurate motion tracking is achieved through the use of dedicated AR frameworks such as ARKit, which is designed specifically for iOS devices. AR tracking can be achieved through different approaches, such as computer vision and fusing data from sensors like cameras, accelerometers, and gyroscopes. Hybrid tracking methods that combine these approaches have been developed to improve the accuracy and reliability of AR tracking. However, these hybrid tracking methods also have their limitations, such as increased processing time and power consumption. Despite the ongoing challenges, the advancements in AR technology have paved the way for more immersive and interactive experiences for users. The potential of AR to transform various industries and the increasing accessibility of AR through mobile devices make it an exciting technology to watch out for in the future.

Materials and Methods

As part of my research efforts, I conducted a comprehensive review of the latest advancements and innovations in the field of motion-tracking methods for AR applications on iOS devices. To do so, I extensively searched a wide range of reputable scholarly sources, including Google Scholar, IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital Library, and Apple Developer documentation. To ensure the accuracy and reliability of my findings, I gave priority to papers, articles, and resources from major conferences and journals that specialize in AR, computer vision, and human-computer interaction. Moreover, I focused on publications that were published within the last five years, as I wanted to gather the most up-to-date information available. In addition to the scholarly sources, I also examined relevant patents on AR technologies from Apple. This helped me to gain a deeper understanding of the current state-of-the-art in the field and identify any potential trends or patterns. Overall, my review encompassed approximately 25 papers, articles, and resources. Through this process, I was able to gain valuable insights and knowledge on the latest motion-tracking methods for AR apps on iOS devices, which can be useful for future research and development in this field.

Literature Review

Tracking is a critical aspect of visual-inertial odometry (VIO), and issues with tracking can cause significant problems. As a result, researchers have explored the use of computer vision techniques to enhance VIO and address the tracking issues. One such technique involves using feature detection methods, such as SIFT, SURF, ORB, and AKAZE, to identify unique key points in camera images that can be matched across frames [10]. This approach allows the camera position to be estimated even during rapid motion by tracking these 2D features [11]. While this approach is practical, performing dense feature extraction can be computationally expensive. Additionally, using corners as landmarks may result in tradeoffs between uniqueness and ambiguity [12]. To overcome these challenges, other computer vision approaches, such as parallel tracking and mapping (PTAM), have been adapted from robotics for AR [13]. Overall, the use of computer vision techniques in VIO has shown great promise in addressing tracking issues. By detecting unique key points in camera images and tracking them across frames, the camera position can be estimated even during rapid motion. This not only enhances the accuracy of the tracking process but also helps to reduce computational costs. As such, this technology has significant implications for a broad range of industries, from robotics to augmented reality.


Hybrid motion tracking that combines visual-inertial odometry (VIO) sensor fusion with computer vision techniques has revolutionized the field of augmented reality (AR) experiences on iOS platforms. The integration of IMU data and camera tracking has enabled ARKit VIO to provide positional tracking with only 1–2% drift over extended periods of time, making AR experiences more accurate and immersive than ever before. Moreover, feature-based methods have further enhanced the robustness of the technique in challenging occlusions or low-texture environments. By using feature detection, the algorithm can make use of distinctive features in the environment to track position, even when the area around the object being tracked is changing. This makes it more reliable and accurate. Despite these improvements, certain conditions continue to limit the performance of this approach. Rapid motions, for instance, can cause momentary failures as motion blur overwhelms the camera input before visual tracking can recover [14]. This is a problem that is yet to be fully resolved, and research is ongoing in this area. Furthermore, tracking can be challenging in areas with fewer features, such as blank walls or ceilings, where algorithms have difficulty establishing reliable positional anchors [15]. In addition, in environments with low light conditions, cameras can become desynchronized, causing tracking methods to struggle when faced with real-world scenes that feature moving objects and occlusions. This issue can be particularly challenging in dynamic settings where locations constantly change and objects are moving around. Despite these challenges, the hybrid motion tracking technique has opened new possibilities in the field of AR. Researchers continue to work on improving the robustness of the technique, with the aim of making AR experiences more seamless and immersive than ever before.


Augmented Reality (AR) experiences have come a long way in recent years, and there is no doubt that hybrid sensor fusion and vision-based tracking have played a significant role in this progress. These technologies have allowed us to create more immersive and interactive experiences that blur the line between the real and the virtual world. However, despite the tremendous advancements, there are still some limitations that need to be overcome to make AR experiences even better. One of the solutions that could help enhance AR experiences is implementing intelligent input weighting and integration [16]. This approach can improve consistency and stability by adjusting the input to the reliability of the data. For example, during fast motion, relying more on inertial data can enhance camera input reliability. This can help provide a smooth and consistent AR experience, even when the user is moving quickly. Another way to improve AR experiences is by creating a robust scene map over time. This can provide persistent environmental anchors that allow users to interact with virtual objects in a more natural and intuitive way [17]. By employing deep learning approaches, it is possible to estimate scene geometry, lighting, and semantics, which can enhance camera tracking [18]. This can help provide users with a more accurate and reliable AR experience, which is essential for creating a sense of immersion and presence. To make AR experiences even better, more adaptive sensor fusion algorithms are needed that can dynamically adjust to the reliability of inputs [19]. This can help ensure that the AR experience is smooth and consistent, even in challenging environments. Additionally, constructing a persistent map of an environment through spatial understanding and feature recognition can aid in relocalization during transient tracking failures. This approach can make it easier and more efficient to navigate the environment while minimizing the risk of errors or getting lost. Furthermore, this map can be used for future reference, making it a valuable tool for long-term planning and decision-making [20]. Using neural networks running on a device to classify scenes, objects, and surfaces can provide cues to optimize tracking parameters [21]. This can help create a more accurate and reliable AR experience, even in unpredictable environments. These methods can make motion tracking for AR on iOS devices robust against the challenges of unconstrained real-world use, which is essential for creating a seamless and immersive AR experience.


Having an accurate motion tracking system is essential to create a seamless augmented reality (AR) experience. When it comes to AR, motion tracking involves accurately determining the position of the device and the user’s movements in real-time. This allows AR apps to overlay digital objects onto the real world in a way that feels natural and responsive. To achieve low-latency positional tracking on iOS devices such as iPhones and iPads, a combination of inertial, camera, and computer vision techniques are used. Inertial sensors are used to track the device’s orientation and acceleration, while the camera is used to track the position of the device in the real world. Computer vision techniques are used to make sense of the camera data and extract useful information about the environment. Despite these advancements, some challenges can still arise in certain situations, such as rapid movements, occlusion, low-texture environments, and lighting changes. For example, if the camera loses sight of a feature, it was previously tracking, or if the lighting conditions change suddenly, it can be challenging to maintain an accurate position estimate. To overcome these challenges, intelligent sensor fusion, scene understanding through mapping, and on-device learning are promising approaches. Intelligent sensor fusion combines data from multiple sensors to create a more robust estimate of the device’s position and orientation. Scene understanding through mapping involves building a 3D map of the environment and using this to improve position estimates. On-device learning involves training machine learning models on the device itself, allowing it to adapt to new situations and improve its tracking performance over time. It is important to continue researching and developing robust motion tracking in different contexts to realize the potential of AR technology fully. With accurate and reliable motion tracking, AR apps can provide users with immersive and interactive experiences that blur the lines between the real and digital worlds.


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Tharun Sure

Worked in telecommunications, healthcare, automotive & SAAS companies. Expert in AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Wearables, and Augmented Reality.